Apple, like other companies, has had its fair share of security vulnerabilities. Granted – there is no such thing as 100% security and Apple, in my opinion, is one company that usually takes software security engineering very seriously. But then again there are vulnerabilities like this one from December 2009 (iOS devices have default root […]
Repudiere: Acest articol reprezintă părerea editorială, articolul nu este comprehensiv pentru toate tehnologiile și tehnicile de pe piață și are ca scop determinarea cititorului să exploreze într-un mod mai bun nevoia și să nu ia decizii bazate numai pe conținutul său. Tehnologiile NAC ( Control pentru Accesul la Internet)/ NAP( Protecția Accesului la Internet) reprezintă […]
Disclaimer: This article is an editorial opinion and is not exhaustive of all technologies and techniques in the market and is intended to cause the reader to better explore the need and not take decisions soley based on it’s content. NAC (Network Access Control) / NAP (Network Access Protection) technologies is various different methods of […]
A new form of attack has been recently discovered by Chinese researchers – and it’s a brutelly simple one. Since voice assistance (Alexa, Google Home/Assistant, Apple Siri) microphone’s tend to have a large audio spectrum they can receive commands which may be inaudiable to human ears. This attack has been named the “DolphinAttack” (concatenated by […]