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    International governance of AI & the recommended perspective for Morocco “the multiplication of actors & the diversification of collaboration”

    1- The private sector as a new global partner 1-1-The cooperative potentials of technology firms and AI Private companies, especially those at the forefront of AI, are also invited to collaborate and cooperate for good governance and regulation of AI. Morocco, in this regard, is supposed to find the necessary and relevant legal frameworks for […]

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    The International Governance of Artificial Intelligence:A Brief Analysis of the Moroccan Interne Situation

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly transitioned from a supportive tool designed to enhance daily tasks to a transformative force with the potential to reshape societies on a global scale. While AI continues to offer unprecedented benefits in areas such as healthcare, education, and economic development, its misuse has exposed humanity to significant risks, including cyber-attacks, […]

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    Addressing cybersecurity challenges for Morocco in the metaverse with a few recommendations

    In the following paragraphs, we will attempt to present the recommendations we believe are necessary to improve user protection in the metaverse. These recommendations and procedures take various forms and facets, ranging from guidelines and orientations related to the human element to hardware and technical devices. In other words, police cybersecurity investigation units require profound […]

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    Critical Analysis of the Moroccan Cybersecurity Strategy and their Application to the Metaverse Era

    Іո tеrmѕ оf рrаϲtіϲеs: Іո thе rеаlm οf ϲybеrѕесսritу, thе рrοtесtіоո оf ϲritіϲаl ԁіցitаl іոfrаstrսϲtսrеs аոd thе еոhаոсеmеnt οf ոаtiοոаl rеѕіliеոсе аɡаiոѕt сybеr thrеаts сοոѕtitսtе thе рrіmаry οbjесtіvеs οf Mοrоссο’ѕ ոаtіοnаl ϲybеr ѕtrаtеցу iո суbеrѕрасе. Іո ϲοllаbοrаtiοո with еѕtееmеԁ іոstitսtiоns іո thе fіеlԁ, thе Ԍеոеrаl Dіrеϲtοrаtе оf Iոfоrmаtіоո Systеms Sеϲսrіty аոԁ thе Nаtiοոаl Cоmmіѕѕiоո fоr […]

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    The Promotion of Security Threats through the Metaverse

    The decentralized nature of the metaverse offers criminals unprecedented potential to develop their harmful and malicious activities. However, we focus the work in the following paragraphs on the explanation and exploration of certain specific and often well-known activities and how their transshipment between virtual spaces imposes unforeseen and dangerous impacts on the stability of virtual […]

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